Life in a Biologist's View

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This is probably one of the deepest questions man can ask and one of the greatest mysteries facing him.
Scientists have discovered that all living things are made of a material called protoplasm. They can make a chemical formula for protoplasm, and they can take molecules of various elements and compounds to put them together and make materials like protoplasm. But the materials they make are not alive!
All man can do is examine the living creatures on earth, in all sizes and shapes and wherever they live, and find what it is they have in common. Then we can say that these common qualities make up life.
Let's see what these qualities are.


All living things must be able to grow. They grow to a fairly definite size and shape. A kitten becomes a cat; an acorn becomes an oak tree and so on. For some living things, it takes a short time to grow to full size but this is not the case for every living organism; a redwood tree may take thousands of years.


All living things, being alive, can repair and replace parts of themselves. A lobster can grow a new claw; human beings can grow new skin or bones; trees grow new leaves and branches.


Another characteristic shared by living things is the ability to reproduce. If this ability didn't exist, living things would have disappeared from the earth as they grew old and died. Animals, fish, birds, insects, plants-all produce offsprings.
Do you know?
     Viruses have all the qualities of non-living things, but they can reproduce. For this reason they are considered to be a link between living and non-living things.

Environmental Behaviour

Living things are capable of adapting the environment they live in. Man can do this better than any other creature because of his brainpower. But plants can do this only to a limited extent.


Living things can also respond to stimuli which means if something outside of them affects them, they react. When we smell food, we respond; flowers grow towards the light.
This doesn't tell you what is life, but it does describe the qualities that things must have to be considered alive.

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Reforms Brought by Mustafa Kamal in Turkey

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Mustafa Kamal Pasha
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Mustafa Kamal Atatürk was the founder and the first president of the Republic of Turkey. He liberated the Turkish nation not only from the external enemies but from the internal enemies as well. He pushed back the Allies and abolished the Sultanate. Similarly, his reforms made Turkey a thoroughly progressive democratic republic. This article accounts for his efforts in a piled-up manner.


After the WWI, Turkey was under the control of Allied forces. The Sultan (of Ottoman Empire) and old liberals were merely puppets whose strings were controlled by the occupation forces. The Sultan considered it the best option for Turkey to collaborate with the conquerors.
The Sultan sent Mustafa Kamal to Anatolia as a Governer General in order to crush the rebellion led by Kiyazim Karabekar. However, Mustafa Kamal had other plans. As soon as he reached Anatolia, he met Ali Faut, the commander of a small army corps, and sketched out a resistance plan. It was decided that they should form a National Army. The summary of this meeting can be described as:
As the Sultan and the Central Government are in enemy hands, we must set up some temporary government in Anatolia.
Remarkable efforts were put up for this cause. Leading Patriots hid or escaped into Anatolia, where they made straight for Ankara to join Mustafa Kamal. There on the 23rd of April, 1920 the revolutionary Turkish Grand National Assembly met with Mustafa Kamal as President.
Don't miss: Who Was Bolivar?


Mustafa Kamal
Image Source: Wikipedia
After abolishing the Khilafat, Mustafa Kamal took over as the first President of new Turkey. He brought many revolutionary reforms in the Turkish system for which he is known as "Atatürk" meaning Father of the Turks. Some of his efforts are described below:

Removal of Illiteracy

Before Mustafa Kamal's accession to power, state education was unknown to the country. He took the gigantic task of educating the masses as well as training the teachers. The first step in revoming illiteracy was to simplify the "script" by replacing the old (Arabic) script with the Roman script. He himself visited towns and villages, chalk in hand, teaching how to use the new script.

Empowering Women

On assuming power, Mustafa Kamal decided to liberate women by abolishing veil. He was well aware of the importance of educated women for a nation. He encouraged women to educate themselves for their better future. He emphasized the need for women to play their role in country's progress working side by side with men folks.

Change in Dresses

Atatürk abolished wearing fez which was Greek in origin. However, he made it compulsory to wear Western hats. This reform was necessary to remove all the traces of the past slavery during the days of Ottoman Sultanate.

Purification of Language

The first Turkish President set a committee to simplify and purify Turkish language which was a mixture of Arabic, Persian and original Turkish words. The committe's task was to replace the Arabic and Persian words with original Turkish words. Moreover, he prohibited the use to title "Pasha" and hence, every man became "bay" and every woman became "bayan".

Industrial and Economic Development

Under Mustafa Kamal, the industrial and economic development of Turkey was so rapid that it achieved, in few years, that much progress which took the west 150 years to achieve. To give idea of the progress, one has to take notice of some of the facts and figures.
  1. In 1919, Turkey had only one railway, almost no modern standard roads and 150 factories. But in 1933, the figure rose to 2000 with large lengths of high standard transport facilities.
  2. The banking system was organized and the public debt was reduced to one-tenth of its former size.
Don't miss: Napoleon Bonaparte

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Did You Know this About Holy Qur'an?

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Facts about Holy Qur'an
Qur'an is the holy book of Islam. ALLAH ALMIGHTY (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى), for the whole humanity, dismounted it on His last Prophet Muhammad (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم). Knowledge of everything in this universe is enclosed in Qur'an. Qur'an is a complete code of conduct for everyone till the Doomsday. Disbelief in Holy Qur'an is kufr (کُفر).
ALLAH (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى), in Holy Qur'an, says:
Qur'an guides to the right path
Here are a few things you must know about Holy Qur'an being a Muslim:
  • Qur'an was fully disclosed in 22 years and 5 months (approx.)
  • 114 total number of chapters (Surah)
  • Prophet Muhammad (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) was 40 when he (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) received the first revelation
  • Qur'an has 30 divisions (Para)
  • 6,666 total verses (ayah) in Qur'an ( according to some scholars the exact number is 6236 if tasmiyah is not counted as ayah )
  • 1015030 number of dots
  • 1000 total number of raque (رکوع)
  • 70 times the word Qur'an is used in Qur'an
  • 3 surah start with one letter: Qaf (سورة ق‎), Sad (سورة ص), Noon (سورة القلم)
  • 6 chapters named after Prophets
  • 25 Prophets' names are mentioned
  • Name of Muhammad (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) appears 4 times
  • The name of Musa عليه السلام (Moses) used 136 times
  • The name of Isa عليه السلام (Jesus) used 29 times
  • 43 number of times, the name of Nuh عليه السلام (Noah) appears
  • 10 rewards for reciting one letter
  • The longest chapter of Holy Qur'an is Al-Baqarah (سورة البقرة‎)
  • The shortest chapter of Holy Qur'an is Al-Kauthar (سورة الكوثر‎)
  • Al-Yaseen (سورة يس) is the heart of the Qur'an
  • Al-Tauba ( سورة التوبة‎) is the only chapter that starts without tasmiyah
  • Al-Fatiha (سورة الفاتحة) is also known as mother of Qur'an
  • Ar-Rehman (سورة الرحمن) is the zeenat (Embellishment) of the Holy Qur'an
  • Surah Quresh is named after the tribe of Prophet Muhammad (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم)
  • The only lady mentioned in Holy Qur'an is Maryam عليه السلام (Mary)
  • The only talked about day of the week is Friday
  • Best drink mentioned in Qur'an is milk
  • The best eatable thing mentioned in Qur'an is honey
Qur'an is the ultimate source of guidance for all mankind. Qur'an has the infinite qualities. On the base of these qualities Qur'an has many names, some of those are:
  • Al Kitab (الکتاب)
  • Al Zikr (الذکر)
  • Al Majeed (المجید)
  • Al Balagh (البلغ)
  • Al Aziz (العزیز)
  • Al Muhaiman (المھیمن)
  • Al Mutahhara (المطہرہ)
  • Al Dua (الدُعا)
  • Al Furqan (الفُرقان)
  • Al Noor (النور)
  • Al Kalam (الکالام)
  • Al Shifa (الشِفا)
  • Al Mubarak (المُبارک)
  • Al Kareem (الکریم)
  • Al Hakeem (الحکیم)
  • Al Mubeen (المُبین)
Note: this info is verified by most of the scholars. Some scholars, however, may disagree.

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Tips to Master Reading Comprehension & Précis Writing

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Reading Comprehension & Precis Writing
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Reading Comprehension

Reading Comprehension is one of the most important questions (in Pakistani Educational System) if one is taking a linguistics exam in which one has to read a passage and answer the questions asked relevant to that passage. Comprehension means to extract the hidden information. We have been doing this all our lives; read a lesson and answer the question asked at the end of the lesson.
I'll cover some important step one must follow to master reading comprehension and, of course, excel in the examination.

Step 1:-

Skim through the passage multiple times in order to get a gist of it and get to know its main idea. This step is often called earmarking. Earmarking is done to find the thesis sentence of the paragraph. Skimming makes you aware of which information is where in the paragraph. Make sure you underline important phrases / words.

Step 2:-

After you've read the piece of text and marked some important information, you are now able to answer the questions. Read the questions carefully and recall the main idea which you had got from Step 1 The question asked can be of following four types:
  1. Specific Point Questions
  2. Main Idea
  3. Inference or  Indirect Questions
  4. Words' Meanings
Specific point questions are those which you can answer by just copying some part of the passage. The main idea of the passage can also be asked which is not a big deal if you've done Step 1 with a lot of care. Inference questions are the most important ones. Inference questions are those which you have to answer by understanding the indirect meaning of the text (which comprehension really is all about) and answer in your own words.

Step 3:-

Now, you know the passage well and have read the questions, you can now search for the answers from the passage. This step is called scanning. In scanning, the information gathered in Step 1 enables you to answer the questions.
I've discussed Step 1 in other 2 steps also, this makes it clear how important is to read and understand the paragraph before moving on.
Quick Tip:
      After enough practice, you can perform Step 2 in the beginning and then perform Step 1 and Step 3 together. This would save a lot of time.

Précis Writing

Précis writing, like comprehension, is very important when it comes to showing one's writing skills. Précis means to write the main idea of something in one's own words by concizing the original text. Précis writing has no steps to follow, instead it has some tips one should always remember while writing a précis:
  • Read the passage carefully and count the number of words or make a wild guess
  • The précis should not be more than one-third of the original text
  • Facts, figures, and dates are supporting the main text, so they can be omitted
  • Repeating ideas must be excluded
  • Always write the writer's point of view 
  • Never try to merge your own ideas into the original theme
  • Try to use one-word substitutions as much as possible
  • Adverbs should be used instead of long explanations
Quick Tip:
      Beginners can divide the original text into as many parts as they like and then precise each part one by one. Summing these parts` précis will get the job done!

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10+ Top Interviewing Tips

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Interviewing Tips
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Everyone has to face interviewing at least once in life. For better future, one really needs to flourish in an interview as jobs and admissions in well-reputed institutions are only ensured iff  one takes the interviewer by surprise. I've compiled a short list of tips that can help you getting a decent job. You must go through these before having a feeling of regret.
  • Research the opportunity before you visit
  • Prepare a list of questions you want to ask
  • Dress professionally and be neat and well-groomed
  • Arrive a few minutes early
  • Take a few copies of your CV, a notepad and pen
  • Maintain eye contact and show interest in everyone involved in the interview
  • Confidence is the key
  • Never discuss money
  • Do not have more than one alcoholic drink before the interview
  • Show equal respect to all you meet
  • Follow up with a thank you note to each interviewer

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How did Navies Originate?

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The first navies were created when the armed men of a tribe or town went to sea in large ships they had, in order to give a battle to their enemies and raid territory from the sea. The ships used were ordinary fishing or commercial ships. Later on, ships were especially designed for purposes of war.
Do you know?
     Originally, the navy of a country meant all of its ships, whether used for war, carrying of merchandise or fishing.
At the time of ancient Greeks and Romans, the very first long ship was built for speed in war, instead of round ones to carry merchandise. When the Persians threatened to attack Athens in 483 B.C., the Greeks increased their navy from fifty to one hundred long ships. By the end of the fifth century B.C., this fleet of long ships had increased to 300 and later even to 360, which makes it quite a navy! In times of peace, these warships were kept on slips and undercover in sheds.
The most ancient warships were many-oared galleys, each requiring a  great number of rowers. These great rowing galleys were used to ram other ships or as a mean of boarding the enemy ships.
In both the ancient Greek and Roman navies, there were many similarities to the organization of a modern navy. The Greeks had a captain, a sailing master, a number of petty officers, seamen and oarsmen, and soldiers or marines. The Romans always had a body of soldiers, called the classici, who were especially assigned to service in the navy.
Today, of course, a navy is a very complicated organization with dozens of types of ships and units organized to maintain them. Pakistan Navy is one of the best navies in the world.

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List of Commonly Used Idioms with Translation (Part-II)


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An idiom is a phrase or a fixed expression that has a figurative, or sometimes literal, meaning. An idiom's figurative meaning is different from the literal meaning. -Wikipedia
Image Source: StockSnap
If you have missed the first part of this post, you should check the first part out before going any further.
Here comes the second part:

Commonly Used Idioms
Idioms Sentences
The lion's share (ذیادہ حصہ) You will get the lion's share in the profit.
To add insult to injury (زخم پہ نمک چھڑکنا) My remarks added insult to injury and he left the party.
To and fro (اِدھر اُدھر) The lion was moving to and fro in the jungle.
To be at a loss (مشکل میں پھنسا) I am at a loss and do not know what to decide.
To be at large (آزاد) The robber is still at large.
To be taken back (منسوخ کرنا) I was taken back to know her dishonesty.
To bear the brunt of (نقصان اُٹھانا) Pakistan could not bear the burnt of Indian Army.
To beat about the bush (اِدھراُدھرکی باتیں کرنا) All the students beat about the bush to waste time in the classroom.
To blow one's trumpet (اپنی بڑائ خودکرنا) I do not like him because he always blows his own trumpet.
To break the ice (بات شروع کرنا) There was pin-drop silence in the room then Haider broke the ice.
To break the news (ضروی اطلاع دینا) An unknown man broke the news of Watson's murder.
To bring home to (قائل کرنا) I brought him home to the importance of education.
To burn the midnight oil (رات کو کام کیلئے جاگنا) He burnt the midnight oil near the examination and go through.
To burry the hatchet (صلح کرنا) Let us burry the hatchet and be partners again.
To call a spade a spade (صاف صاف کہنا/کانےکوکاناکہنا) If you call a spade a spade, you will pick up quarrels with many.
To call in questions (شک کرنا) Their demands cannot be called in questions.
To call to mind (یادکرنا) He could not call to his mind who had borrowed his book.
To carry the day (میدان مارنا) Babar carried the day at Panipat.
To carry weight (وزن/اہمیت رکھنا) His arguments carry weight.
To catch one red-handed (رنگے ہاتھوں پکڑنا) The police caught the thief red-handed.
To come of age (بالغ ہونا) He will take care of his property after coming of age.
To cry for the moon (کھیلنے کو چاند مانگنا) Do not cry for the moon, you can't get her.
To cut a sorry figure (ناکام رہنا) She cut a sorry figure in her maiden speech.
To cut the quick (جزباتی متاثر کرنا) Your remarks cut him to the quick.
To die in harness (نوکری کے دوران مرنا) Our Prime Minister Mr. Liaqat Ali Khan died in harness.
To eat humble pie (معزرت کرنا) I had to eat humble pie for your misconduct.
To eat one's words (الفاظ واپس لینا) You should eat your words that you have just spoken.
To egg on (حوصلہ افزائی کرنا) His friends egged him on and he continued his struggle.
To end in smoke (بےکار ہونا) All my plans ended in smoke.
To fall back upon (انحصار کرنا) After her husband's death, she had no one to fall back upon.
To fall flat (کارآمدنہ ہونا) My advice fell flat upon him.
To find fault with (تنقید کرنا) Tayyab always finds fault with others.
To follow suit (نقل کرنا) The master ran after the thief and his servants followed suit.
To get into hot water (مصیبت میں پڑنا) By picking a quarrel with the man, you will get into hot water.
To get on one's nerves (تنگ کرنا) I do not like her at all because she is always getting on my nerves.
To get over (قابوپانا) At last he got over his difficulty.
To get rid of (جان چھڑانا) You should get rid of bad habits.
To get wind of (افواہ سننا) He got wind of the attack and ran away in time.
To go to the wall (بےکار ہوجانا) By moving in a bad company, he went to the wall.
To hit the mark (مقصدحاصل کرنا) Ali hit the mark and got his aim.
To hold water (وزن رکھنا) Your argument does not hold water.
To keep up appearance (سب ٹھیک ہونےکادکھاوا کرنا) They are very poor but they keep up with appearance.
To leave in the lurch (مصیبت میں ساتھ چھوڑنا) Good friends will never leave you in the lurch.
To look after (خیال رکھنا) Children must look after their parents when they get old.
To lose heart (دل برداشتہ ہونا) Do not lose heart, go on working.
To make amend for (تلافی) You should make amend for this loss.
To make both ends meet (گزارہ کرنا) Now-a-days, poor people hardly make both ends meet.
To make light of (اہم نہ سمجھنا) He made light of my counsel and was ruined.
To nip in the bud (برائ روکنا) We should nip the evil in the bud.
To play a second fiddle (معاونت کرنا) A servant should play a second fiddle of his master.
To pocket insult (بےعزتی برداشت کرنا) He could not pocket insult and slapped him.
To read between the lines (توجہ سے پڑھنا) I read between the lines and did not sign the agreement.
To rise to the occasion (موقع) He rose to the occasion and become successful.
To see eye to eye with (متفق ہونا) I do not see eye to eye with you in this matter.
To show the white feather (بزدلی دکھانا) He showed the white feather when the enemy came.
To steal a march upon (پیچھے چھوڑنا) He kept on working and stole a march upon others.
To swallow the bait (کوئ بات مان لینا) He is very simple and can easily swallow the bait.
To take heart (حوصلہ حاصل کرنا) He took heart and passed the test.
To take the chair (سربراہی کرنا) THe principal took the chair in the meeting.
To take to heart (دل پر لینا) He took his father's death to heart.
To take to task (بُرابھلاکہنا) He was taken to task for making a mischief.
To talk shop (کاروبارکی باتیں کرنا) He always talks shop and disliked by others.
To the letter (الفاظ کے مطابق) The village boys obey the orders of their teachers to the letter.
To turn a deaf ear to (دھیان نہ دینا) He always turns a deaf ear to his parents' advice.
To turn over a new leaf (سُدھرجانا) The sinner turned over a new leaf after his meeting with the preacher.
To turn the corner (بیمارکاٹھیک ہونا) God be thanked, the patient has turned the corner.
To win laurels (داد وصول کرنا) The soldier fought bravely and won laurels.
Tooth and nail (پوری قوت کےساتھ) We shall fight tooth and nail to defend our country.
Through thick and thin (ہر طرح کے حالات میں) I shall help you through thick and thin.
Throw to the dogs (پھینک دینا) He has thrown many books to the dogs.
Under a cloud (مشکل میں) All his friends left him when he was under a cloud.
Walk with God (خداکی رضاسے جینا) Those who walk with God live perfect lives.
When pigs fly (کوئی ناممکن بات) He will start working hard when pigs fly.
With flying colours (شان و شوکت کے ساتھ) The conquerer entered the city with flying colours.
Yeoman service (موثر) Quaid-e-Azam gave Yeoman service to the nation.

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List of Commonly Used Idioms with Translation (Part-I)

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An idiom is a phrase or a fixed expression that has a figurative, or sometimes literal, meaning. An idiom's figurative meaning is different from the literal meaning. -Wikipedia
Image Source: StockSnap
Idioms play a vital role in our daily life conversations to make our words more eloquent. Idioms are even more important when it comes to writing books, articles etc. Here are some popular idioms that are commonly used in conversations:

Commonly Used Idioms
Idioms Sentences
A beggar description (ناقابلِ یقین) Her beauty is beggar description.
A bird's eye view (سرسری نظر) You had a bird's eye view of this article and moved on.
A bolt from the blue (ناگہانی آفت) His father's untimely death is a bolt from the blue for him.
Abide by (پابندی کرنا) You should abide by your promise.
Above board (ظاہر) His honesty is above board.
A broken reed (ناقابلِ اعتبار) Do not tell him your secrets because he is a broken reed.
A casting vote (فیصلہ کن) My vote proved a casting vote.
A dead letter (منسوخ شدھ قانون) CENTO Pact is a dead letter now.
At daggers drawn (پکےدشمن) Although they are brothers yet, they are at daggers drawn.
A fair weather friend (مطلب پرست) His fair weather friend left him in trouble.
A far cry (دورکاشور) My request was a far cry, no one listened to me.
A fly in the ointment (جلن) My enemy's presence in the function was a fly in the ointment for me.
A cock and bull story (جھوٹی کہانی) He amused us with cock and bull stories.
At one's beck and call (اشارے پرناچنا) My servant is at my beck and call.
A bone of contention (جھگڑے کا سبب) This property is a bone of contention between the two brothers.
A hard nut to crack (مشکل کام) Do not take it easy, it is a hard nut to crack.
A jack of all trades (ہرفن مولا) He is a jack of all trades but master of none.
A maiden speech (پہلی تقریر) He was very confident in his maiden speech.
A wild goose chase (بے سود کام) To appear in the examination without preparation is a wild goose chase.
All in all (حاکم کل) He is all in all in his office.
All moonshine (دکھاوا) They talk much about their wealth, but it is all moonshine.
Against a rainy day (برے دن کے لیےَ) You should save something against a rainy day.
Against the grain (ناگوار) It is against my grain to cheat a friend.
An axe to grind (اپنا مفاد دیکھنا) Selfish people always have an axe to grind.
A gala day (خوشی کا دن) 14th August is a gala day in the history of Pakistan.
A hot potato (مشکل کام) Energy crisis issue is a hot potato to deal with in Pakistan.
A man of letters (عالم) Allama Iqbal was a man of letters.
A man of parts (مختلف علوم کا ماہر) Aristotle was a man of parts.
A penny for your thoughts (خاموشی کی وجہ پوچھنا) 'A penny for your thoughts', 'Oh! I was just thinking about my job interview.'
Apple of discord (فسادکی جڑ) This property is an apple of discord between the two families.
Apple of one's eye (آنکھ کا تارا) She is the apple of her parent's eye.
At the eleventh hour (آخری وقت پر) The doctor was called in at the eleventh hour.
At arm's length (دور رکھنا) He is a bad boy, keep him at arm's length.
At the drop of a hat (فوری طور پر) Ali is always ready to play football at the drop of a hat.
Back to the drawing board (دوبارہ آغاز کرنا) It didn't work; back to the drawing board; I flunked Chemistry this year.
Ball is in someone's court (حقِ فیصلہ دینا) I've told your what I want, ball is in your court now.
Bark up the wrong tree (غلط نظریہ رکھنا) Coach has nothing to do with the attitude of players, people are barking up the wrong tree.
Beat around the bush (ٹال مٹول کرنا) Stop beating around the bush and answer me!
Beside the mark (اِدھر اُدھر) Nobody listened to him because his talk was beside the mark.
Bread and butter (دال روٹی) I'm satisfied with my bread and butter.
Blue blood (شاہی) He will not do such a bad deed because blue blood runs in his veins.
By virtue of (کے ذریعے) He was successful in the election by virtue of his good qualities.
By fits and starts (غلط طریقے سے) This boy cannot get good marks in the examination because he works by fits and starts.
Bad blood (مخاصمت) A bad man creates bad blood among friends.
Bed of roses (آسان) Life is not a bed of roses.
Below the mark (ناقص) He failed in the examination because his writing work was below the mark.
Black sheep (کالی بھیڑ) He is the black sheep of his class.
Bosom friend (دلی دوست) Sheharyar is my bosom friend.
Break a leg (کامیابی کی دعا) Study well for the exam son, break a leg!
Burning question (اہم مسلہ) Kashmir is burning question between Pakistan and India.
By and by (آہستہ آہستہ) You will know everything by and by.
By hook or by crook (کسی نہ کسی طرح) He passed the examination by hook or by crook.
By leaps and bounds (دن دگنی رات چُگنی) Korea is making progress by leaps and bounds.
Capital punishment (سنگین سزا) The killer got the capital punishment from the Court.
Cheek by jowl (بہت قریب) I shall go with you cheek by jowl.
Cold reception (محبت کے بغیر) He was given a cold reception at his arrival.
Cost an arm and a leg (بہت مہنگا ہونا) IPL tickets cost us an arm and a leg.
Crocodile tears (مگرمچھ کے آنسوُ) She killed her husband and now she is shedding crocodile tears.
Eye wash (دکھاوا) His offer to help me is just an eye wash.
Face the music (نتیجہ بھگتنا) You will face the music for your mistake in the meeting.
Far and wide (دور دور) People from far and wide came to see the fair.
Few and far between (کبھی کبھی) They visit my house few and far between.
For good (ہمیشہ کے لیےَ) He has left the city for good.
For the sake of (کے لیےَ) Please help me for the sake of God.
For want of (کمی) She could not complete her education for want of money.
French leave (سکول سے بھاگنا) Many students were on French leave during the last month.
From hand to mouth(مشکل گزربسرکرنا) Ahmad lives from hand to mouth for want of money.
From scratch (شروع سے) Quaid-e-Azam built Pakistan from scratch.
Heart and soul (دل لگا کر) He is working with heart and soul to learn programming.
Hobson's choice (پیشکش یاکچھ نہیں) It is the Hobson's choice because it is the only job that I can get.
High spirits (خوش) We were in high spirits when we went to Khanpur.
Hit the books (پڑھائی کرنا) You should leave now and hit the books.
Hue and cry (شوروغل) Students raised hue and cry in the classroom.
In a fix (بُری حالت میں) He is in a fix and needs your help.
In black and white (تحریر) He gave me orders in black and white.
In cold blood (بے رحمی سے) The robber killed the rich man in cold blood.
In full swing (بڑےزوروں پر) The fair was in full swing in the evening.
In the nick of time (بالکل قریب) We reached the station in the nick of time and caught the train.
In the long run (آخرکار) Do not lose heart, you will win in the long run.
Ins and outs (اصل حقائق) I know the ins and outs of my problems.
Inspite of (باوجود) Inspite of hard work, he failed.
Kick the bucket (انتقال کرنا) Bolivar kicked the bucket in 1830 at the age of 47.
Kith and kin (رشتےدار) One should be kind to one's kith and kin.
More or less (تقریبا٘) More or less 1000 people have read this post.
Neck and neck (برابر برابر) Ali and Shahzaib were neck and neck in the Linguistic contest.
Neck or nothing (تخت یا تختہ) Neck or nothing we shall do it.
Null and void (بےکار) This law has been declared null and void by the United Nations.
On the spur of the moment (اُسی وقت) I could not answer his question on the spur of the moment.
On the eve of (کےموقع پر) She was very happy on the eve of her marriage.
Off and on (اکثر) He visits my blog off and on.
Once for all (ہمیشہ کے لیےَ ایک بار) I have told you once for all not to keep the company of bad boys.
Once in a blue moon (کبھی کبھار) Some people visit my blog once in a blue moon.
Part and parcel (ضروری حصہ) Computer is a part and parcel of every home.
Piece of cake (بےحدآسان) Getting through that test was a piece of cake.
Pros and cons (نفع نقصان) One must consider the pros and cons before taking any step.
Red carpet (پُرجوش استقبال) We gave the leader a red carpet welcome.
Spick and span (بناٹھنا) They always remain spick and span at parties.
Scratch someone's back (مددکرنا) He promised to scratch my back.

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How to: Get Fluency in English

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English is Fun
We know that English is the most important language and no one can deny this fact. The English language is progressing day by day and has become an international language and is the language of science and technology. In this state of life, English is getting a more and more importance in our daily life. So friends it is important now to learn English for everyone, and I want you to speak English!
Now I will teach you three basic steps to learn English at home, just practice and start talking in English. Just follow these step and talk, talk and talk in English. Following are the three steps:


Reading is the first step in learning English. Reading is really helpful in improving your vocabulary and helps you in identifying different words. Do not just read but also keep those words in your mind. You're are not bound to any course book or any other specific books, you can read any English book or any other book that is written in English you can choose a book of your own choice. You can read English novels, magazines, newspapers etc. Keep on reading books of different kinds it will not even improve your English but also improve your knowledge.


Speaking is the most important step in learning English. People mostly feel shy in speaking English as they have a psychological problem that they afraid of talking in English as they think that they do not know English. Friends do not feel shy in talking English, this will develop your confidence, and will help you in communication with people. You would talk fluently and you would be able to attend any type of meeting. Try to speak English with everyone either he/she is younger or older than you. Just speak now and then whenever you got a chance.
A poll was conduction on Google + asking people to mention the reason for their poor English. The poll result clearly shows how important it is to practice English by speaking as much as possible.
Google Poll


Listening is the final step of learning English. So listen to songs, watch movies and news and dramas. This will not just help you in understanding people of different parts of the world but also improve your accent. The accent is the major part of the way you talk and people will really like you and will appreciate you.

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How is Fashion Decided?

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FashionThe French word couturier means someone who designs and makes fashionable clothes for women.It is these designers who begin trends and create new silhouettes. The work famous couturiers of different countries are copied all over the world.
If we have a glance on the fashion world, we come to know that the Paris has always been the traditional centre  of the world fashion. In today's fashion world, if we look around then we can not deny that the British designers have had great influence in setting new styles, and the designers of united state and Italy also working hard.
The secrets of new designs are guarded by the french designers before these collections are shown to the public after that these designs and styles are pictured and published in different newspapers and magazines all over the world.
Paris is an ideal place for the people to travel there and buy clothes and tries to copy the newest ideas. The seasons are specified for the shopping of specific clothes. For instance, in January people visit to see the spring collections and in July autumn designs are visited to be seen.
Original clothes of the famous french designers are bought by many dress manufacturers from all over the world. The designs are then taken to there own designing rooms, here the designers of the company copy the designs from line-to-line and great numbers of that designs are made up. That's why peoples are able to buy latest designs of their own choice in their own town at a reasonable price for it.

Some manufacturers from a different part of the world use Paris designs as a starting point for their own ideas. Some designers also gave a french taste to their designs.
London is also having a good job in the world of fashion and is one of the most important centre of fashion in today's world. Designers from British also creates new fashions and show them out.Buyers from all corners of the world loves to visit London to bought clothes.
As the buyers choose the designs, the manufacturers of clothes add up the store orders, they buy suitable fabrics, and then the dresses are sewn by machines. They are transferred to different cities of the world.

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How did the United Nations Begin?

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United Nations
 During the World war II, the Allied nations referred to themselves as the 'United Nation'.In 1942, the allied nations agreed that they would not make any separate peace agreements with Germany.
In a Potsdam conference in 1945 which really laid the ground for the foundation of the United nations to make precautionary  measures to prevent future conflict and also set out procedures for the prosecution of Nazi war criminals.the first agreement of Potsdam conference was signed by Twenty-seven countries in 1945, as the war gets over the United nations formally came into existence.In the initial there was a membership of fifty countries.
     The United nations (UN) is led by a powerful Security Council.The United Nations had enough power that they can intervene in international disputes that might lead to conflict.Today the UN is too strong yet enough developed that they are involved in many economic aid programmes all around the world.
Did you know?
    In the early 1945 the Allied leaders met in Yalta in Crimea to decide on the post-war shape of the world. Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin decided on how Germany was to be split up once the war was won.

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How to: Disable Cortana and Web Results in Windows 10

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Image source: Xbox
Microsoft released Windows 10 on July 29, 2015, with tons of new features and improvements including a Siri-like personal assistant, Cortana. Cortana accepts voice commands for doing a specific task or searches the web(on Bing). Searches of typed words are conducted by Cortana offline and on the web as well. Many people(+ me) are annoyed by the web search results when they try to search a file on their local machine. If you are among those people, Rahib Ali from DIY Tech has a solution for your problem. Watch the video and see how:

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WhatsApp Messenger is now Available in Urdu & Bengali

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Image Source: Pixabay
Today I was checking for updates in Play Store and I came across an important update of WhatsApp Messenger.
WhatsApp is an instant messaging app through which one can send messages and calls over mobile data and Wi-Fi. It is available for Android, iOS, Windows and some other platforms. WhatsApp has over 1 billion users.
Today's latest update (2.12.252) is all about new features and improvements. Some of these improvements are summed up below:
The most important improvement WhatsApp Inc. has made is the support for Urdu and Bengali. As millions of WhatsApp users are from countries like Pakistan, India, Bangladesh etc., providing messaging services in users' native language will increase the usage it'll become much easier of them to use the app.
If you are planning to reset your phone and wipe off all your phone data, you need not to worry about your WhatsApp conversations because now you can backup your conversations on Google Drive
For safeguard against irritating people (I talked about them in my last post also) who like to message everytime, WhatsApp has made it possible to set special notification tone for a contact or you can even mute a chat so that you get important messages only, in busy hours. You can set different notification settings for different contacts.
As far as emoji lovers are concerned, they can now use the same emoji in different colors (this is was available in WhatsApp Web only). User has to long tap an emoji and colored options of that emoji will pop up.
Now, you don't have to use WhatsApp+ to hide from people you don't want to talk to because you can mark messages as read just like Facebook.
Other performance improvements include better contact card sending, lower data usage and bug fixes.
You can manually download the latest version here (Android). OR

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Protect Your Private Photos in Android

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Most of us love to keep images in phone as golden memories. This treasure can be spoiled by a naughty friend who would borrow your phone to see a pic and then start swiping left and right to see all of your photos. I got something that can be very useful to deal with such people.These two apps can do this job for you:-

1. Focus - Photo Sharing

Focus - Photo Sharing
This simple and light but useful gives you complete control over your photo viewers. You can limit the photos one can see on your phone when you lend your phone to your friend or someone else.
All you have to do is to set a pin code by opening Focus Settings, check all the alarms. To show someone a photo, you have to long tap the photo and tap share and select Focus from the list (multiple photos can also be selected). One can only see the pics you have selected. If your friend hits the back button, this will popup:-
Focus Popup
In case he/she hits the home button, a loud alarm will starting ringing notifying you that something is wrong. Awesome, isn't it?

2. Ninja Snap

Ninja Snap
Ninja Snap is another photo saving app that takes the picture of the person who swipes right & left from the selected pics just the way Focus shows selected images. You have to select some photos and share them with Ninja Snap and give your phone to whom you want to show photos. As soon as that person swipes towards other pics, this app would take pictures of him/her and those would be saved in your phone's gallery. Thus you can easily identify the culprit.

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Get iOS & Lollipop-like Status Bar in Any Android Version

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Technology is getting advanced every new day. More and more new softwares and apps are being developed having better features than the former ones. Google's Android Lollipop and Apple's iOS are very famous for awesome UI design. One of many features is the changing of status bar color according to the app whose UI is opened.

Status Bar
Older (than Lollipop 5.0) Android versions do not support this feature but luckily, there's a method through which you can get this in older version as well (like I in my phone which runs Jellybean). You just need to follow these simple steps:-
  1. Your phone must be rooted.
  2. Firstly, you need to install Xposed Installer
    (Note: Read the description then decide to install as it can damage your phone if you install the wrong version)
  3. Allow SU Permission to Xposed Installer then open it and go to Download and then search for Tinted Status Bar.
    Tinted Status Bar
  4. After installing this module, go to Modules and check the Tinted Status Bar. Finally, soft boot your device by going to Framework in Xposed.
  5. Congrats, you've done it! The final result will be like this:
You can select the apps for which you want this module to change color. Otherwise, you can simply turn this off in a particular app by tapping its Tinted Status Bar icon in your apps list.

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Deadliest Animals in the World

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Deadliest Animals in the World
Life on this planet is full of dangers. Only a few people have the courage to enjoy these dangers while others struggle to find a danger-free zone. Despite the hardships in life, animals (insects & flies also) also make their way to the most dangerous things to exist on the face of the earth. I've sorted a list of most dangerous animals in terms of people they kill in a year (size and venom don't count, life is precious anyway).

List of Deadliest Animals
Rank Animals Kills per year
15 Sharks 10
14 Wolf 10
13 Lion 100
12 Elephant 100
11 Hippopotamus 500
10 Crocodile 1,000
09 Tapeworm 2,000
08 Ascaris Roundworm 2,500
07 Freshwater Snail (Schistosomiasis) 10,000
06 Assassin Bug (Chagas Diseas) 10,000
05 Tsetse Fly (Sleeping Sickness) 10,000
04 Dog (Rabies) 25,000
03 Snake 50,000
02 Human 475,000
01 Mosquito 725,000

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10+ Tips to Get Makeup Free Good Look

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Everyone of has a desire of looking like a magazine poster hero or heroine. A lot find it difficult because it can hurt monetarily. With these tricks, you can get a fancy look with very low expenses. Get a healthy, fair and fresh look and  be the hero/heroine you've ever dreamt of......

Tips to get Makeup Free Good Look
Image Source: Unsplash
Here's how:-
  • Healthy diet with more fruits
  • Plenty of water
  • A good night's sleep
  • Drink hot water with lemon in the morning
  • Give skin a boost: Ginseng, Mint & Rosemary in a topical cream
  • Groom your brows to frame your face
  • Exfoliate
  • Gentle cleanser mild toner moisturizer with SPF
  • Accessorize your outfit & hair
  • Curl your lashes
  • Apply lip balm
  • Don't pick or touch your skin

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Reasons: Why You Should Eat More Fruits

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Allah Almighty has created plenty of stuff for the mankind. For our welfare and for our luxury. Fruits are also among this stuff. Fruits being enriched with multi-vitamins and protein are crucial for maintaining our good health. Fruits ensure correct working of our body organs.This post is all about the benefits of eating fruits and you'll find many reasons of eating more and more fruits.

Eat more Fruits
Image Source:
  • Cherries: Cherries help calm your nervous system
  • Grapes: Grapes relax your blood vessels
  • Peaches: Peaches are rich in potassium, fluoride and iron
  • Apples: Having existence in 1,000 types, apples help your body to develop resistance against infections
  • Watermelon: Being more than 90% water, helps control your heart rate
  • Oranges: Oranges help maintain great skin and vision
  • Strawberries: Strawberries can potentially fight against cancer and aging
  • Bananas: Bananas are very good for athletes because they are energy carriers
  • Pineapples: They help fight against arthritis
  • Blueberries: They protect your heart
  • Kiwis increases bone mass
  • Mangos: Act as a shield from several kinds of cancer

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Hot Water vs Cold Water

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Most of us really had a problem taking bath when we used to be kids regardless of whether it is summer or winter. Some were afraid of cold water while others hated hot water. Today I got some interesting facts about water. Water, whether hot or cold, is very beneficial for our health even if used externally.

This little comparison comprises of surprising advantages of using cold and hot water.

Hot Water

You must take hot showers because hot water:-
  • Relaxes the body muscles
  • Lowers body tension
  • Reduces anxiety
  • Improves blood circulation
  • Alleviates Migrane
  • Reduces swelling
  • Helps the body in removing toxins from our skin
  • Weight Loss
  • Helps better food digestion
  • Opens pores and cleans the skin
  • Acts as a nasal decongestant

Cold Water

You might prefer using cold water because it:-
  • Stimulates immune system
  • Increases alertness
  • Prevents colds
  • Stimulates anti-depression hormones
  • Burns calories
  • Frees up the mind
  • Accelerates metabolism
  • Tightens the skin
  • Prevents hair fall
  • Also improves blood circulation
  • Gives you a glowing look

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List of Top Educational Websites


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It is rightly said, "Technology is a neutral tool between good and evil." If you've decided to use it for good, you're doing absolutely the right thing. Millions of people, especially students, refer to the internet to get any type of help. Most of the people fail to find a website which can provide information only according to their needs. Wikipedia has always been our heart favourite. I've sorted a short list of some educational websites which can serve as the treasure of words just as you want and would let you think out of the box.

Top Educational Websites


The following list contains the websites that can help you getting educated with infinite amount of videos:-

Life Hacks

This is the list of resources which will teach you to do some amazing stuff in your daily life:-


Maths lovers' paradise list comes here:-


Here comes the interesting part for cooking lovers (women perhaps). Let's see:-

Learning Languages

Learning foreign languages has always been my craze. Here are my picks for you:-


Learn programming and create something really awesome whether a website or an app from here:-


If you love to read books, you're not alone. Get your favourite books from here:-


Random Knowledge

If you are among the most of the people like to just wander through the internet to read whatever they come across just to improve their general knowledge, this is for you:

DIY & How To's

Geeks' corner:-


Some might like to attend a course to master a specific subject or a section of it. Following sites are for those:-
*: personal picks
**: favorites

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Origins of Names of Some Popular Animals

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Many of us love animals, some make them their best friends. That's great, these lovely creatures do deserve to be loved. As for their names, not all the English names of animals came about the same way. Some are just the English word for a name that already existed in another language while others are combinations of words that describe the animal. Let's consider the names of some animals and see how they originated.

Origins of Animal Names
 A Fox and a Cat
     Bull comes from the Anglo-Saxon belkan, which meant to "roar". Similarly, deer was originally deor in Anglo-Saxon, and meant "a wild animal".
When we call a cat, a puss, it goes back to the Egyptians. They called a cat pasht, meaning "the moon", because cats were active at night. This became shortened to pas, and that's how we got puss.
Hippopotamus is the Greek for "river horse". Hippos meant "horse", and potamos meant "river". Rhinoceros is a Latin term derived from two Greek words. Rinos mean the "nose", and the keras, was a "horn", and the rhinoceros has a horn on its nose!
Leopard comes from the Latin leopardus, which meant a "spotted lion". Lion comes from the Latin leon.
Camel is derived from the Arabic gamel, which was camelos in Latin.Porcupine comes from two Latin words: porcus, a "swine", and spina, a "thorn". So, it's a pig with thorns!
The name poodle comes from the German pudel, which meant a "puddle". This was because it was a water dog and the word dog itself is a contraction of the Icelandic doggr.
Wolf is a modern spelling of Anglo-Saxon wulf, which goes back to the Latin vulpes, meaning "fox". Our name fox, comes from the Icelandic fax, which meant a "hair-mane". The name opossum comes from opassum, which is what the Indians of Virginia called this animal.
These are only a few names of animals, but you can see how, they originated in many different ways.

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How to: download videos from facebook without any software

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Downloading media has always been a problem for those who like to have all the fun free. Some use Internet Download Manager but it creates some problems when you have to buy it after 30 days and some hacks don't go your way, either. Everyone likes to watch videos on Facebook and some download to watch later. World's top social network is on its way to become the second most popular network for sharing videos after YouTube.
In this tutorial, I'll show you how you can download Facebook videos without any software or third-party website simply by following these steps:

  1. Open and login to your profile.
  2. Play the video of your choice by clicking on it.
    Playing Video
  3. When the video is playing, go to the URL(address) of the video and replace www with m. For example, if my video address is "" I'll have to make it "".
  4. Hit Enter key and you'll be redirected to the mobile version of facebook.
  5. While the video is playing, right-click on the video and click on "Save video as...", select the location from popup and your video will start downloading.
    Save Video

Watch the Video Tutorial

This trick has been tested on Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. Keep sharing!

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Useful Tips for Studying Efficiently

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It is a dream of every student to score excellent grades in exam. Some succeed while others don't. There might be nothing wrong with hard work but technique. Yeah, studying has some rules and today I'll give you some tips and bits of advice to study efficiently with more chances of success. I've sorted a list of some Do's and Don'ts that have helped me a lot throughout my school and now in college.


Planning & Managing Time

Study time is any time you doing something related to studies. Make your study schedule for the entire week and also manage your day time. Make a one-day schedule for study hours, play time and time you have to give to your family and friends. BUT stick to it no matter how hard it is to follow, you have to follow it anyway.
Schedule Sheet
You can use spreadsheet software in your phone or computer for making schedule, but I recommend drawing some tables on a page and always keep it in your pocket or make multiple copies as a backup if you lose one.

Study at Same Time Each Day

Studying at the same time everyday establishes a routine that becomes a regular part of your life, just like sleeping and eating. When a scheduled study time comes up during the day, you'll be mentally prepared to begin studying.
My personal recommendation is to study early in the morning. If you are a Muslim, study after Fajar, an ideal time to study with an open and fresh mind.

Find a Peaceful Place

Peaceful Place to StudyA noiseless place is an essential part of effective studying, since while studying you need to concentrate and this is only possible if you are not surrounded by music and  a lot of people, noisy people. If your study place is too cold, your speed might slow down. If it is too warm you might become sleepy (like me). Make sure it is not very comfortable because in that case you might prefer sleep over study. However, some individuals are able to concentrate better with a little noise in the background. You must look for a place that fits your nature.

Review Notes Before Beginning an Assignment

Reviewing your notes can help you make sure you are doing an assignment correctly. Also, your notes may include information that will help you complete an assignment. Moreover, the chances of forgetting something you've memorized earlier are minimized.
The best way to make your own notes and not to depend on others is to highlight or underline the text in your book or any other study resource. It saves you from reading the entire paragraph again. Try not to underline or highlight so much that it is really useless.

Study in 50 Minute Intervals

Make sure you study for an interval of 40-50 minutes. When you feel you cannot concentrate anymore, take a short break of 10-15 minutes. During the break, you can have some snacks and even go for a short walk or try something that would refresh your mind and body. Ahaaan, now get back to work!

Challenge Yourself

Be your own master! Give yourself challenges and try to compete yourself. For example, you may decide to complete one unit in a sitting, stick to your target and try to complete this task in time. Next day, give yourself a task to memorize 1.5 units or more in the same time. Try something new every day and beat your own record. You'll always win, isn't it interesting?

Practice and Learn From Your Mistakes

Practice is everything. If you don't practice what you learn, you learn nothing. Try to learn by doing and don't be discouraged if you mess up everything. Remember, wise people learn from their mistakes. Don't be shy, ask your elders to help you out or try some other way yourself to do better.
“I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.” —Thomas Edison

Review What You've Studied  Before Going to Bed 

Usually, a textbook has some Self-Assessment Questions at the end of each unit alongside the summary of that unit. When you make a habit of reviewing these questions and summaries at the end of your day as well as at the end of a week, you will find that you'll remember the words very strongly the next morning.
Do You Know?
     An average person remembers only 20% of what he/she has read in a day.
For this reason, it is recommended that one must revise what one has studied in a day, at the end of the day.



Cramming is not useful for long term memory. So, if you're planning to remember your textbook for good, do not be a fan of cramming.

Study on Computer

Try to avoid studying on the computer as much as possible. You will be tempted by many interesting things on the web such as your email or Facebook.

Mobile Usage

Most of the students place their cell phones close of them. This will distract you from studying. Do not use your phone except when it is very important. Before beginning your homework, turn off your Wi-Fi or mobile data, if you can't turn that off, mute notifications. Tell your friends you study timing so they can't disturb your studies. I know they won't mind.

Study After Meal

Studies have shown that thinking is slower after having a meal. It is recommended to take a walk after having a meal then study.

Study Too Much at One Time

If you try to do too much studying  at one time, you'll be tired and your studying will not be very effective anymore. Taking short breaks, as I said earlier, will restore your mental energy.

Look at your daily routine and try to build your routine identical to the above-mentioned habits. Always "study smart, not hard". If you have some other tips, put a comment below, I'll be glad to mention those as well.

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