ALLAH (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى), in Holy Qur'an, says:
Here are a few things you must know about Holy Qur'an being a Muslim:
- Qur'an was fully disclosed in 22 years and 5 months (approx.)
- 114 total number of chapters (Surah)
- Prophet Muhammad (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) was 40 when he (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) received the first revelation
- Qur'an has 30 divisions (Para)
- 6,666 total verses (ayah) in Qur'an ( according to some scholars the exact number is 6236 if tasmiyah is not counted as ayah )
- 1015030 number of dots
- 1000 total number of raque (رکوع)
- 70 times the word Qur'an is used in Qur'an
- 3 surah start with one letter: Qaf (سورة ق), Sad (سورة ص), Noon (سورة القلم)
- 6 chapters named after Prophets
- 25 Prophets' names are mentioned
- Name of Muhammad (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم) appears 4 times
- The name of Musa عليه السلام (Moses) used 136 times
- The name of Isa عليه السلام (Jesus) used 29 times
- 43 number of times, the name of Nuh عليه السلام (Noah) appears
- 10 rewards for reciting one letter
- The longest chapter of Holy Qur'an is Al-Baqarah (سورة البقرة)
- The shortest chapter of Holy Qur'an is Al-Kauthar (سورة الكوثر)
- Al-Yaseen (سورة يس) is the heart of the Qur'an
- Al-Tauba ( سورة التوبة) is the only chapter that starts without tasmiyah
- Al-Fatiha (سورة الفاتحة) is also known as mother of Qur'an
- Ar-Rehman (سورة الرحمن) is the zeenat (Embellishment) of the Holy Qur'an
- Surah Quresh is named after the tribe of Prophet Muhammad (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم)
- The only lady mentioned in Holy Qur'an is Maryam عليه السلام (Mary)
- The only talked about day of the week is Friday
- Best drink mentioned in Qur'an is milk
- The best eatable thing mentioned in Qur'an is honey
- Al Kitab (الکتاب)
- Al Zikr (الذکر)
- Al Majeed (المجید)
- Al Balagh (البلغ)
- Al Aziz (العزیز)
- Al Muhaiman (المھیمن)
- Al Mutahhara (المطہرہ)
- Al Dua (الدُعا)
- Al Furqan (الفُرقان)
- Al Noor (النور)
- Al Kalam (الکالام)
- Al Shifa (الشِفا)
- Al Mubarak (المُبارک)
- Al Kareem (الکریم)
- Al Hakeem (الحکیم)
- Al Mubeen (المُبین)
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