Important Prepositions You Should Know

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Prepositions are words which begin prepositional phrases. A prepositional phrase is a group of words containing a preposition, a noun or pronoun object of the preposition, and any modifiers of the object. -Townson
I'm bringing you some very important prepositions which everyone should know especially if one is not a native speaker of English language.

Commonly Used Prepositions
Abstain fromAccount for
Accuse ofAccustomed to
Adapted toAddicted to
Approve ofAssociated with
Aware ofBenefit from
Blame forCapable of
Compatible withComposed of
Consist ofContent with
Contrary toContribute to
Convert toCope with
Count onDedicate to
Dependent onDeprived of
Derive fromDevoid of
Devote toDiffer from
Distinct fromDistinguish from
Emerge fromEqual to
Exempt fromExposed to
Famous forFed up with
Focus onGet rid of
Hinder fromIndifferent to
Infer fromInsist on
Involve inIrrespective of
Keen onLead to
Notorious forObliged to
Obsessed withOppose to
Peer atPersist in
Prevent fromProne to
Recover fromRefrain from
Respond toResponsible for
Short ofSpend on
Stem fromSucceed in
Suffer fromSuperior to
Susceptible toTend to
Vote forWorry about
Yield tofond of

Let's now move one step further and learn about using prepositions according to certain rules.

For time
agocertain time in past5 days ago, 56 minutes ago
specific point of time
at 10:04 am
beforeearlier than specific timebefore 2010
byup to a specific timeby 10 o'clock
fortime periodThe cabinet is elected for 5 years.
time of day
after a period of time
in March
in Spring
in the morning
in 3 hours
in 2016
ondays of the weekon Friday
pastfor telling time19 past ten
sincefrom a specific timesince 1992

Prepositions for Places/Positions

Positions of red ball with respect to the box/black ball

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