How to: download videos from facebook without any software

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Downloading media has always been a problem for those who like to have all the fun free. Some use Internet Download Manager but it creates some problems when you have to buy it after 30 days and some hacks don't go your way, either. Everyone likes to watch videos on Facebook and some download to watch later. World's top social network is on its way to become the second most popular network for sharing videos after YouTube.
In this tutorial, I'll show you how you can download Facebook videos without any software or third-party website simply by following these steps:

  1. Open and login to your profile.
  2. Play the video of your choice by clicking on it.
    Playing Video
  3. When the video is playing, go to the URL(address) of the video and replace www with m. For example, if my video address is "" I'll have to make it "".
  4. Hit Enter key and you'll be redirected to the mobile version of facebook.
  5. While the video is playing, right-click on the video and click on "Save video as...", select the location from popup and your video will start downloading.
    Save Video

Watch the Video Tutorial

This trick has been tested on Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. Keep sharing!

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Useful Tips for Studying Efficiently

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It is a dream of every student to score excellent grades in exam. Some succeed while others don't. There might be nothing wrong with hard work but technique. Yeah, studying has some rules and today I'll give you some tips and bits of advice to study efficiently with more chances of success. I've sorted a list of some Do's and Don'ts that have helped me a lot throughout my school and now in college.


Planning & Managing Time

Study time is any time you doing something related to studies. Make your study schedule for the entire week and also manage your day time. Make a one-day schedule for study hours, play time and time you have to give to your family and friends. BUT stick to it no matter how hard it is to follow, you have to follow it anyway.
Schedule Sheet
You can use spreadsheet software in your phone or computer for making schedule, but I recommend drawing some tables on a page and always keep it in your pocket or make multiple copies as a backup if you lose one.

Study at Same Time Each Day

Studying at the same time everyday establishes a routine that becomes a regular part of your life, just like sleeping and eating. When a scheduled study time comes up during the day, you'll be mentally prepared to begin studying.
My personal recommendation is to study early in the morning. If you are a Muslim, study after Fajar, an ideal time to study with an open and fresh mind.

Find a Peaceful Place

Peaceful Place to StudyA noiseless place is an essential part of effective studying, since while studying you need to concentrate and this is only possible if you are not surrounded by music and  a lot of people, noisy people. If your study place is too cold, your speed might slow down. If it is too warm you might become sleepy (like me). Make sure it is not very comfortable because in that case you might prefer sleep over study. However, some individuals are able to concentrate better with a little noise in the background. You must look for a place that fits your nature.

Review Notes Before Beginning an Assignment

Reviewing your notes can help you make sure you are doing an assignment correctly. Also, your notes may include information that will help you complete an assignment. Moreover, the chances of forgetting something you've memorized earlier are minimized.
The best way to make your own notes and not to depend on others is to highlight or underline the text in your book or any other study resource. It saves you from reading the entire paragraph again. Try not to underline or highlight so much that it is really useless.

Study in 50 Minute Intervals

Make sure you study for an interval of 40-50 minutes. When you feel you cannot concentrate anymore, take a short break of 10-15 minutes. During the break, you can have some snacks and even go for a short walk or try something that would refresh your mind and body. Ahaaan, now get back to work!

Challenge Yourself

Be your own master! Give yourself challenges and try to compete yourself. For example, you may decide to complete one unit in a sitting, stick to your target and try to complete this task in time. Next day, give yourself a task to memorize 1.5 units or more in the same time. Try something new every day and beat your own record. You'll always win, isn't it interesting?

Practice and Learn From Your Mistakes

Practice is everything. If you don't practice what you learn, you learn nothing. Try to learn by doing and don't be discouraged if you mess up everything. Remember, wise people learn from their mistakes. Don't be shy, ask your elders to help you out or try some other way yourself to do better.
“I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.” —Thomas Edison

Review What You've Studied  Before Going to Bed 

Usually, a textbook has some Self-Assessment Questions at the end of each unit alongside the summary of that unit. When you make a habit of reviewing these questions and summaries at the end of your day as well as at the end of a week, you will find that you'll remember the words very strongly the next morning.
Do You Know?
     An average person remembers only 20% of what he/she has read in a day.
For this reason, it is recommended that one must revise what one has studied in a day, at the end of the day.



Cramming is not useful for long term memory. So, if you're planning to remember your textbook for good, do not be a fan of cramming.

Study on Computer

Try to avoid studying on the computer as much as possible. You will be tempted by many interesting things on the web such as your email or Facebook.

Mobile Usage

Most of the students place their cell phones close of them. This will distract you from studying. Do not use your phone except when it is very important. Before beginning your homework, turn off your Wi-Fi or mobile data, if you can't turn that off, mute notifications. Tell your friends you study timing so they can't disturb your studies. I know they won't mind.

Study After Meal

Studies have shown that thinking is slower after having a meal. It is recommended to take a walk after having a meal then study.

Study Too Much at One Time

If you try to do too much studying  at one time, you'll be tired and your studying will not be very effective anymore. Taking short breaks, as I said earlier, will restore your mental energy.

Look at your daily routine and try to build your routine identical to the above-mentioned habits. Always "study smart, not hard". If you have some other tips, put a comment below, I'll be glad to mention those as well.

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Why Do Plants Need Roots?

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Roots are one of the most vital organs in plants. These are the parts where no leaves or nodes are present and are mostly under the soil.
A plant needs roots for two chief reasons: as a mean of anchorage or support, and to absorb water and mineral salts from the soil.

Roots in Plants
Carrot the a root of its plant.
The root of most plants grow in the soil but they don't just sit there, but seem to reach out in the soil to help the plant grow. By elongating near their tips, roots are always coming in the contact of new portions of the soil.
Thousands of tiny root hairs project from the surface of the young root to absorb several mineral salts and other materials from the soil.That's why when a young root is drawn out of the soil, soil particles often cling to the root hairs.
Some plants have taproots. A taproot is a single root and much larger than any of the branch roots. Other plants have not one large but several small, equal sized roots. These form a fibrous root system.
Orchid & Sweet Potato
Grasses have fibrous root system. Soil in which there are many fibrous roots is protected from erosion. In other plants, most of the roots grow from stems. For example, the geranium.
As roots grow older, some of them store large quantities of sugar and starch. Beet and sweet potatoes are examples of this. A sweet potato is a root, but Irish potato, with its eyes, is a stem.
Not all plants have roots that grow in the soil. Some tropical orchids that grow on trees have spongy roots that grow in the air to absorb moisture. Both the English ivy and poison ivy cling to walls or trees by means of their tiny, little aerial roots. Some plants have special roots that develop from the stem above the ground and grow down into the soil, forming props. A few roots, such as the sweet potato, form buds that grow into leafy branches and can be used to propagate the plant.
Roots, either large or small, are crucial for the survival of any plant or tree.

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Who Was Aristotle?

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Aristotle (Αριστοτέλης, ارسطو) was one of the most important men of ancient Greece and one of the greatest philosophers who ever lived.
He was born in 385 B.C. and studied under the philosopher Plato (Πλάτων, افلاطون) for about twenty years. After Plato's death, Aristotle began to develop his own method of teaching. He was interested in practically every problem that man faced. How does the mind work? How can we learn what is true and what is false? What is the best form of government?
He tried to find answers by observing the world around him and gathering facts. He believed that every event had a logical explanation, and he was one of the first men to form conclusions from investigation and observation.

  Aristotle and Plato
     Aristotle opened his own school, called the Lyceum. He urged each man to seek his own place in the world by learning how to live a good and useful life. He believed in the "golden mean", or living the middle way between two extremes.
He is said to have written four hundred (400) books on astronomy, biology, ethics, physics, poetry, politics, oratory, and government. His books have been studied by people all over the world for hundred of years. No other man has influenced the thinking of so many people for so long.
Do you know?
     Aristotle is known as the most intelligent man who has ever lived on the face of this Earth. He was the teacher of Alexander the Great.
 Modern Scientists have found that many of the observations he made more than two thousand (2,000) years ago are true today. He showed us that every statement should be supported by evidence, and that the basis of knowledge is fact. This master of philosophy breathed his last in 322 B.C.

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Most Destructive Earthquakes in History

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     If the crust of the earth were not solid, it would be shaking about and moving up and down constantly. But there are places in the earth's crust where it isn't strongly held together—where faults exist. Along this break, one rock mass might rub against another with very great force and friction. The energy of this rubbing is changed to vibration in the rocks—and we have an earthquake!
     There are two ways we can describe an earthquake in terms of size: one is in the force of the earthquake, and the other is in the damage it does. Since the loss of lives and destruction worry people more than technical measurements, the "great earthquakes" people remember are those in which many lives were lost.

Destructive Earthquakes

    Three most destructive earthquakes that caused enormous damage took place in Kansu, China (Gansu), Indian Ocean and Tokyo, Japan.

Kansu, China

Kansu Earthquake China
The Chinese Quake shook the earth in December 1920 killing two hundred thousand (200,000) persons. It covered three hundred square miles (300 miles2) and was recorded 8.6 on Richter Scale. This was the earthquake deadliest ever known to mankind.

Indian Ocean Quake

The second largest earthquake hit India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Indonesia, Maldives, Somalia and small areas of some other countries on 26 December 2004. Its magnitude was recorded 9.4 on Richter Scale, 30 km underneath The Indian Ocean. The resulting tsunami is known as Christmas Tsunami. The Quake and Tsunami killed over 250,000 thousand people and some are missing.
2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake

Tokyo, Japan

In September 1923, a strong earthquake hit the capital of Land of Rising Sun. Killing one hundred fifty thousand (150,000) people, Tokyo Quake destroyed cities of Tokyo along with Yokohama. Land shook for well 4 minutes and the earthquake was spread over a wide area of 60 km.
Tokyo Earthquake 1923


San Francisco Earthquake
The most famous one in The North, America was the San Francisco earthquake in April 1906. A great fire followed this quake. Thousands of people died and property loss amounted to $425,000,000.
More recently, in February 1971, a heavy earthquake in Los Angeles are caused many dollars damage to homes, businesses and roadways.


One of the most famous earthquakes in Europe took place in Lisbon, Portugal in 1755. The city was ruined and at least thirty thousand (30,000) people were killed.
Europe Earthquake
In 1906, in Calabria and Sicily, a tremor killed about seventy-five thousand (75,000) men and women and in 1915, in central Italy, hundreds of towns and villages were damaged and thirty thousand (30,000) people expired as a result of another earthquake.


People of Pakistan can never forget the black day, 8 October 2005. A heavy wave of the earthquake hit Kashmir and other adjacent areas 15 km deep. The 7.6 magnitude was felt in Afghanistan and India, too. It killed about 87,000 people along with the same amount of injuries.
Islamabad, the second most beautiful capital in the world after the earthquake.
The most recent among the deadliest earthquakes took place in Nepal on 25 April 2015. This quake had its impact on India, China and Bangladesh, too. It killed 9,000 people in Nepal and few in India & China. Its magnitude was recorded 7.8 15 km deep. As a  result of this earthquake, Mount Everest was moved more than 4 cm and plenty of avalanches caused problems for mountain climbers.

New Madrid, Missouri

An earthquake may be a great earthquake and do very little damage. For example, the greatest earthquake on record in the United States in hardly known to most people. It took place near Town of New Madrid, Missouri, in 1811/1812. There were 1.874 separate earthquakes, but the affected area was sparsely settled, so not much damage was done.

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Who was Bolivar?

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BolivarNapoleon had a tremendous effect on Europe in the early nineteenth century. At almost the same time, a man called Simon Bolivar was influencing nineteenth-century South America.
For nearly three hundred years, most of South America was under the Spanish rule. Simon Bolivar vowed to free his native land, Venezuela, from Spain. When he died in 1830, he had freed not only Venezuela, but Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru, and Colombia as well.
Young Bolivar was educated as an aristocrat, but he studied and travelled in Europe, and the examples of the french and American revolution stirred him deeply. In 1811, he and a group of patriots revolted and declared Venezuela's independence. But they were crushed by Spanish troops, and Bolivar fled the country.

     In 1819, he marched with an army over the snow-covered Andes Mountains, surprised the Spanish Army, and was able to bring independence to Colombia. Two years later, Bolivar liberated Venezuela, and the following year Ecuador was freed.
Venezuela, Colombia, and Ecuador were united into the republic of Gran Colombia, with Bolivar as president. Later he was able to help in the liberation of Peru. Upper Peru was renamed Bolivia in honour of its liberator.
Don't miss: Who Was Aristotle?
Bolivar had the power of a dictator though his ideals were freedom and justice. He encouraged the formation of the constitutional government, the establishment of more schools, and freeing of slaves.
In time, each country wanted its independence, and Gran Colombia fell apart. Bolivar's enemies accused him of being a tyrant. Finally, Bolivar resigned as president. He died in 1830 at the age of forty-seven, a disappointed man with many enemies, but to the people of South America he is still El Libertador the liberator.

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10 Richest Websites

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We have compiled a short list of websites making money more than any other website online with their estimated assets.

Google is the largest search engine founded in 1998. Google provides many other services like Gmail, Blogger, YouTube and the most popular mobile OS, Android. Google is the richest website with total assets of $131 billion.


Amazon is an American e-commerce website. The largest online store was founded by Jeff Bezos in 1994. Now, is serving almost all the countries in the world and has assets of about $54 billion.


The second largest search engine after Google, first appeared on the internet in 1995. Yahoo! is now the third richest web on the internet having total assets of $51 billion. Yahoo! is providing its users with email services, news, sports, health, finance etc.


eBay is a multinational corporation allowing company to customer and customer to customer sales online. The fourth richest website was launched in 1995 and it is now the second largest auction center with assets of $44 billion.


World's largest social media network Facebook was founded by 5 programmers in 2004. Every internet user is well aware of Facebook. The social network of 1.44 billion monthly active users has assets about $42 billion becoming fifth in the list.


Another e-commerce company website makes its way to the top websites being operated. Jack Ma's Alibaba is a Chinese business-to-business, business-to-customer & customer-to-customer sales center. After launch in 1999, Alibaba has assets of $41 billion.


Another American Company making its way to the top 10 is Priceline. Woking on Name Your Own Priceit helps its users conduct travel-related purchases with discount. Total assets of Priceline are reported to be around $17 billion.

Expedia, Inc.

A part of Microsoft was founded in 1996 as Expedia. Expedia is a platform of travel brands serving 60 countries. $10 billion.


NetFlix provides its users internet media streaming in North America and many countries in Europe. Online DVD market, NetFlix, was first opened in 1997 and now has $9 billion assets.


America Online, another American multinational company invests in brands, small businesses, and websites. Providing services to consumers, publishers and advertisers, AOL enjoys assets of  a little below $3 billion.
Note: All the above data is based on personal estimates, errors possible.

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